Sunday, September 14, 2014





首先,我们进入 [ 控制面板 ] [ Control Panel ] ,点击 [ 更改显示语言 ] [ Change display language ] ,在弹出的窗口中选择 [ 管理 ] [ Administrative ] 选项卡。



在 [ 非 Unicode 程序的语言 ] [ Language for non-Unicode programs ] 下点击 [ 更改系统区域设置 ] [ Change system locale... ] 。



在下拉菜单选择 [ 中文(简体,中国) ] [ Chinese (Simplified, PRC) ] 。



此时计算机会要求重启,选择 [ 现在重启 ] [ Restart now ] ,然后等待计算机重启就可以了。


Best regards,
Yuanda Xu

Friday, August 1, 2014

Commands to make bootable u-disk

1. cmd
2.input "diskpart", run
3. in new window:
 list disk                        --> list all mounted disks, get the number of udisc
 select disk (n)                --> (n) is the number listed above.
 clean                            --> delete all data including the boot sector
 create partition primary    --> create primary partition
 select partition 1                --> select the 1st partition
 active                                --> activate it
 format quick fs=fat32
 assign                                --> assign a disc character name
 4. copy all files needed to u disc
 5. run cmd as admin, go to the boot folder in u disc, then input "bootsect /nt60 X:"        --> X is the assigned character.
Best regards,
Yuanda Xu

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Screen drifting?

edit build prop
 find "ro.sf.lcd_density=***""
add "view.touch_slop=XX" (XX is 01~30 and means the sensitivity of touch screen, the bigger the more sensitive.)
 to avoid the affect of static electricity, use number below 15.
then save, quit, restart.
Now still in testing.............

Monday, May 26, 2014

About 9220

4、拔掉USB,开机到recovery里面的advanced菜单里面wipe battery status后重启即可
5、开机后(*#0228#)点击QUICK START

Friday, May 9, 2014


Student's Checklist for Curricular Practical Training

Maintain your valid F-1 status! You must have authorization before you begin a paid or unpaid position. Failure to do so is a serious violation of current, federal immigration regulations and could have serious personal consequences for you.


1.You will submit these items to the ISSS office for processing of the CPT I-20:

__ Completed academic advisor's recommendation form for Curricular Practical Training

__ Offer Letter from Employer, must be on official company letterhead (see example below)
Check your offer letter, does it: 
•  Give the starting and ending date of the position 
•  Give the number of hours to be worked each week 
•  Include a brief description of job duties

Submit your application when you have a completed academic advisor's recommendation form and an offer letter that has all of the required information

2. If your internship is not a general requirement of your degree program:

__ Register for a minimum of 1 credit during each semester (or equivalent time period during the summer) of the CPT employment. This is necessary for a paid or unpaid internship.

Offer Letter Example: 
(Note: Offer Letter for CPT must be on employer's letterhead stationary)


To Whom It May Concern:

(Student's Name) has been offered the position of (name of position). This position begins on (start date) and ends on (end date). The position will be for (number of hours) each week.

The duties of this position will include:
(brief description of duties)


Name of employer

If you have additional questions regarding curricular practical training email ISSS Employment Team at or you can call 777-2510 and schedule an appointment.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Print from my own computer

Printing to Pharos Printers from Your Windows 7 Computer

To configure your Windows Computer to send your print jobs to the Pharos printing system to be printed on the Pharos printers.  To configure printing for the first time you must do the following

  • Establish a connection to the print server and identify yourself.
  • Install the appropriate print driver

To print a file after printing has been configured you need to

  • Establish a connection with the print server and identify yourself
  • Select the proper printer
  • Print the file

Configuring printing for the first time
From the Start menu Run window
Type \\

When the log in window displays enter your POD userid as pods\jsuny1 and your password

This will open the a folder with the Pharos printer queues
Choose the appropriate printer queue

The print queues will allow your print job to printed at any Campus Pharos printer.  When you click on a print queue a window will display prior to installing the print driver 

Click Install driver 
Once installed a window opens and displays the print queue.  While you can see all print jobs in the queue you cannot manipulate them with the exception of your own.

Pharos server print queues and printers

Print QueuePrinter type/driver Printer locations
XeroxSimplexXerox Phaser 4510NAll Pharos Simplex printers
Bartle IC, Science IC, Science2 134/135, AcademicA, G06/G14, West POD, LNG 102/103, CIW, C4, Hillside, Hinman, Mountainview, Susquehanna, UDC
XeroxDuplexXerox Phaser 4510DTAll Pharos Duplex printers
Bartle IC, Science IC, Academic A G06/14, Science 2 134, LNG102, C4, Hinman, UDC
XColorXXerox Phaser 6300N PSAcadA G06, Bartle IC, Science IC, UDC IC

Last modified: 24 August, 2012

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Suggestion From Foreman about system V vs BSD.

There might be scattered articles about the differences among the many UNIX flavors, but at this point, there are 3 that are in major use. All are based on BSD. You might want see:

1. which requires a free login to see it.

2. for more historical info

You can also do a google search on "system V vs. bsd" spelled exactly like that (without the quotes) and see a few more references. The Wikipedia reference gives the names of the 3 major flavors.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Valgrind Parameter Command Line

valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes --num-callers=20 --track-fds=yes

Sunday, April 13, 2014

All fields related to Yao

mobile systems multimedia systems Internet content delivery distributed systems cloud computing

The Systems and Networking Research in UW.


Existing gesture-recognition systems consume significant power and computational resources that limit how they may be used in low-end devices. We introduce AllSee, the first gesture-recognition system that can operate on a range of computing devices including those with no batteries. AllSee consumes three to four orders of magnitude lower power than state-of-the-art systems and can enable always-on gesture recognition for smartphones and tablets.

Ambient Backscatter

As computing devices become smaller and more numerous, powering them becomes more difficult; wires are often not feasible, and batteries add weight, bulk, cost, and require recharging/replacement that is impractical at large scales. Ambient backscatter communication solves this problem by leveraging existing TV and cellular transmissions, rather than generating their own radio waves. This novel technique enables ubiquitous communication where devices can communicate among themselves at unprecedented scales and in locations that were previously inaccessible.


WiSee is a novel interaction interface that leverages ongoing wireless transmissions in the environment (e.g., WiFi) to enable whole-home sensing and recognition of human gestures. Since wireless signals do not require line-of-sight and can traverse through walls, WiSee can enable whole-home gesture recognition using few wireless sources (e.g., a Wi-Fi router and a few mobile devices in the living room).

MIMO Cognitive Systems

This project presents TIMO, the first WiFi receiver that can decode in the presence of high-power unknown cross-technology interference. Traditionally, researchers have addressed cross-technology interference by dynamically searching for and switching to unused frequencies. We approach the problem from a different perspective: can one operate in already used frequencies in the presence of potentially unknown interferers? We build a new cognitive framework for the unlicensed band which allows multi-antenna devices to work in used frequencies.

Password-Free Wireless Security

This project presents tamper-evident pairing, the first wireless pairing protocol that works in-band, with no pre-shared keys, and protects against MITM attacks. The main innovation is a new key exchange message constructed in a manner that ensures an adversary can neither hide the fact that a message was transmitted, nor alter its payload without being detected. Thus, any attempt by an adversary to interfere with the key exchange translates into the pairing devices detecting either invalid pairing messages or an unacceptable increase in the number of such messages.

Securing Medical Implants

Wireless communication has become an intrinsic part of modern implantable medical devices (IMDs). Recent work, however, has demonstrated that wireless connectivity can be exploited to compromise the confidentiality of IMDs’ transmitted data or to send unauthorized commands to IMDs—even commands that cause the device to deliver an electric shock to the patient. The key challenge in addressing these attacks stems from the difficulty of modifying or replacing already-implanted IMDs.

ZigZag Decoding

Collisions are a known problem in wireless networks. The existing approaches address this problem by designing techniques that avoid collisions. This project takes an alternate approach: Instead of trying to avoid collisions, lets embrace collisions. In particular, we present ZigZag decoding, a new WiFi receiver that decodes collisions. The core contribution of ZigZag is a new interference cancellation technique that does not make any assumptions of synchronization, large differences in power, or special codes.

OS structures for NVRAM

In the future, new non-volatile memory technologies, such as phase-change memories and memristors, could change the assumptions underlying the design of current operating systems. We are examining the implications of new, fast non-volatile storage systems on OS mechanisms, functions, and properties, as described in our recent HotOS paper. Faculty: Ceze, Gribble, Levy.

Distributed storage systems

We are pushing the limits of today’s distributed storage systems on several fronts. Scatter, a scalable peer-to-peer key-value storage system, preserves serializable consistency even under adverse conditions. Comet is a distributed key-value store that lets clients inject snippets of code into storage elements, creating an active key-value store that greatly increases the power and range of applications that use distributed storage applications.

BotLab: a Real-Time Botnet Monitoring Platform

BotLab is a platform that continually monitors and analyzes the behavior of spam-oriented botnets. BoLab gathers multiple real-time streams of information about botnets taken from distinct perspectives. By combining and analyzing these streams, BoLab can produce accurate, timely, and comprehensive data about spam botnet behavior.

Privacy-preserving data sharing

Increasing interconnectivity and data sharing can compromise data security and privacy.OneSwarm is a peer-to-peer tool that provides users with explicit control over data privcy by letting them determine how data is to be shared. Instead of sharing data indiscriminately, data shared with OneSwarm can be made public, shared with friends, shared with some friends but not others, and so forth -- an approach we termed friend-to-friend (F2F) data sharing. Faculty: Anderson, Krishnamurthy.

Reverse Traceroute

Traceroute has long had a fundamental limitation that affects all these applications: it does not provide reverse path information. In this project, we address this longstanding limitation by building a reverse traceroute tool. Our tool provides the same information as traceroute, but for the reverse path, and it works in the same case as traceroute, when the user may lack control of the destination.

Synoptic: Studying Logged Behavior with Inferred Models

Computer systems are often difficult to understand and debug. A common way of gaining insight into a system's behavior is to inspect execution logs. Unfortunately, manual inspection of logs is an arduous process. We have developed a tool called Synoptic that helps developers by inferring a concise and accurate system model, in the form of a finite state machine, from execution logs. Synoptic processes the logs that most systems already produce, and it requires developers only to specify a set of regular expressions for parsing the logs. Synoptic models have been used to find new bugs, increase developer confidence in the correctness of their code, and help developers better understand their programs.

SPARTA: mobile device security

The SPARTA project (Static Program Analysis for Reliable Trusted Apps) is building a toolset to verify the security of mobile phone applications.

Trustworthy wireless networks

Current wireless networks do not meet the reasonable privacy expectations of their users. We are: exploring user perceptions and the current state of privacy, investigating link-layer protocols that preserve greater privacy ((SlyFi) , tracking the personal information exposed by applications, and examining privacy at the wireless layer by shaping RF regions. Faculty: Wetherall, Kohno.

File systems for mobile devices

Mobile devices are easily lost or stolen, compromising data and privacy.  We have designed a new file system for mobile devices, called Keypad, which provides an audit trail that indicates which files were (or were not) accessed following device loss and lets users disable file reading post-loss, even in the absence of network connectivity. AKeypad paper was presented at the EuroSys Conference, April 2011 and won the Best Student Paper Award. Faculty: Gribble, Kohno, Levy.

Deterministic operating systems

Nondeterministic execution inherent in multithreaded programs severely complicates debugging, testing, and replication.   We have proposed a new OS abstraction, called Deterministic Process Groups (DPGs), to ensure fully deterministic (repeatable) execution of arbitrary, unmodified multithreaded programs.   We have also developeddOS, a Linux-based implementation of DPGs. Faculty: Ceze, Gribble.

Modern browser and Web systems

The Web has evolved far beyond its original role as a hypertext document delivery system. Today's Web browser increasingly resembles an operating system, in that it executes rich, interactive programs that communicate with cloud-based services.