Monday, May 26, 2014

About 9220

4、拔掉USB,开机到recovery里面的advanced菜单里面wipe battery status后重启即可
5、开机后(*#0228#)点击QUICK START

Friday, May 9, 2014


Student's Checklist for Curricular Practical Training

Maintain your valid F-1 status! You must have authorization before you begin a paid or unpaid position. Failure to do so is a serious violation of current, federal immigration regulations and could have serious personal consequences for you.


1.You will submit these items to the ISSS office for processing of the CPT I-20:

__ Completed academic advisor's recommendation form for Curricular Practical Training

__ Offer Letter from Employer, must be on official company letterhead (see example below)
Check your offer letter, does it: 
•  Give the starting and ending date of the position 
•  Give the number of hours to be worked each week 
•  Include a brief description of job duties

Submit your application when you have a completed academic advisor's recommendation form and an offer letter that has all of the required information

2. If your internship is not a general requirement of your degree program:

__ Register for a minimum of 1 credit during each semester (or equivalent time period during the summer) of the CPT employment. This is necessary for a paid or unpaid internship.

Offer Letter Example: 
(Note: Offer Letter for CPT must be on employer's letterhead stationary)


To Whom It May Concern:

(Student's Name) has been offered the position of (name of position). This position begins on (start date) and ends on (end date). The position will be for (number of hours) each week.

The duties of this position will include:
(brief description of duties)


Name of employer

If you have additional questions regarding curricular practical training email ISSS Employment Team at or you can call 777-2510 and schedule an appointment.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Print from my own computer

Printing to Pharos Printers from Your Windows 7 Computer

To configure your Windows Computer to send your print jobs to the Pharos printing system to be printed on the Pharos printers.  To configure printing for the first time you must do the following

  • Establish a connection to the print server and identify yourself.
  • Install the appropriate print driver

To print a file after printing has been configured you need to

  • Establish a connection with the print server and identify yourself
  • Select the proper printer
  • Print the file

Configuring printing for the first time
From the Start menu Run window
Type \\

When the log in window displays enter your POD userid as pods\jsuny1 and your password

This will open the a folder with the Pharos printer queues
Choose the appropriate printer queue

The print queues will allow your print job to printed at any Campus Pharos printer.  When you click on a print queue a window will display prior to installing the print driver 

Click Install driver 
Once installed a window opens and displays the print queue.  While you can see all print jobs in the queue you cannot manipulate them with the exception of your own.

Pharos server print queues and printers

Print QueuePrinter type/driver Printer locations
XeroxSimplexXerox Phaser 4510NAll Pharos Simplex printers
Bartle IC, Science IC, Science2 134/135, AcademicA, G06/G14, West POD, LNG 102/103, CIW, C4, Hillside, Hinman, Mountainview, Susquehanna, UDC
XeroxDuplexXerox Phaser 4510DTAll Pharos Duplex printers
Bartle IC, Science IC, Academic A G06/14, Science 2 134, LNG102, C4, Hinman, UDC
XColorXXerox Phaser 6300N PSAcadA G06, Bartle IC, Science IC, UDC IC

Last modified: 24 August, 2012