Saturday, August 29, 2015

214 - Shortest Palindrome

Shortest Palindrome

Given a string S, you are allowed to convert it to a palindrome by adding characters in front of it. Find and return the shortest palindrome you can find by performing this transformation.

For example:

Given "aacecaaa", return "aaacecaaa".

Given "abcd", return "dcbabcd".

Special thanks to @ifanchu for adding this problem and creating all test cases. Thanks to @Freezen for additional test cases.

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(M) Longest Palindromic Substring (E) Implement strStr()

仔细分析一下会发现,问题的关键,在于找到从 s[0] 开始的最长回文串,

既然是找最大回文,自然想到之前的 Longest Palindromic Substring 里用的“马拉车”Manacher 算法。
只需要在每次更新 center 和 半径的时候,检查转换成 s 里的起点是否还是 0 就好了,一旦不是,就直接break
这样就找到了从 s[0] 开始的最大回文串,后面就easy了。按照这个思路写了,8 ms,很不错。
后来在另一处看到:“Manacher算法的特性,id == p[id]时回文一定是从s[0]开始的,试了一下,用这个判断也可以。

查了一下,不少提到利用 KMP 算法的帖子,想想也是,字符串查找么,KMP 是个不错的思路。
看了一下利用 KMP 的代码,很简洁,一时之间没看懂,要复习一下 KMP 的实现再看估计好些。
这个帖子进去,还发现一篇“从头到尾彻底理解KMP(2014年8月22日版)”对 KMP 讲得非常仔细,回头一起学习下

class Solution {
    string shortestPalindrome(string s) {
        int len=s.length();
        if(!len || 1==len)
            return s;

        //Preprocessing of character to avoid even palindrome cases
        string buf = "$#";                                          //unique character as beginning
        for(int ii=0; ii<len; ++ii)
            buf += s[ii], buf += '#';                               //character as gapping
        buf += "&";                                                 //unique character as ending

        //linear calculation to find longest palindrome substring
        int lenb=buf.size(), mxx=0, pos=0;                          //mxx, pos are for final answer
        int lp[lenb], center=0, r=0;
        for(int ii=0; ii<lenb-1; ++ii)
            int rr = center+r-1;                                    //explored right range
            lp[ii] = (rr>ii) ? min(lp[center-(ii-center)], rr -ii) : 0;

            while(buf[ii+lp[ii]]==buf[ii-lp[ii]])                   //scanning

            if(ii+lp[ii]-1 > rr)                                    //exploring new right range
                center=ii, r=lp[ii];                                //update new center and radius

                if(ii==lp[ii] && mxx<r)                             //only check starting from s[0]
                    //if(0<(ii-r)/2)                                //exit if beginning is not s[0]
                    //    break;
                    mxx=r, pos=ii;                                  //update longest and its center

        int plen=mxx-1;                                             //length of palindrome from s[0]
        string addme = (plen==len) ? "" : s.substr(plen, len-plen); //get the rest part of s
        reverse(addme.begin(), addme.end());                        //reverse the rest part
        return addme+s;                                             //return combined string

8 ms.

1 comment:

  1. Worthful to read on this article.
